Tuesday, April 7

Dotties Weight Loss Zone - Home of a Weight Loss Heroine

While researching weight loss on the internet, it must be very hard to miss Dotties Weight Loss Zone. Strictly speaking it is Dotti's Weight Loss Zone, but it seems that more people spell Dotti as Dottie than correctly. Whatever you remember her name as, though, Dotties Weight Loss Zone is a delightful and inspirational website for those trying to lose weight.

Dotties Weight Loss Zone website started as a result of Dotti's own remarkable weight loss story, which began in 1998. At the beginning of that year Dotti embarked on a Weight Watcher programme.......for the second time. The first attempt ended in a failure, but Dotti admits that her mental attitude had not been good the first time. This time, Dotti spend the previous few weeks getting mentally prepared, such a crucial element of achieving weight loss success. And even before the Weight Watcher program started, her mental toughening had lost her 10lbs from the starting point of 243 lbs.

Dotti obviously meant business. She lost an average of 2.6 lbs a week, and had lost 95 lb by October. Dottie weight loss success was to motivate her to start a website, which many now know as Dotties Weight Loss Zone.

It is a very personal website with a personal touch and feel, and you can start by seeing Dotti's own before and after pictures.


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