These healthy oils, I am convinced, are responsible for a large part of our success.
When new comers arrive to our discussions boards, we should all encourage them to get plenty of monounsaturated fats, especially from olives, avocadoes, macadamia nuts, and the extracted oils from these foods.
As a group, monounsaturated are very stable. They’re not subject to the same degree of rancidity as polyunsaturated oils from corn, sunflower seeds, soybeans, and the like. They also don’t expose you to the same health threats of potentially rancid oils.
Extra virgin olive oil is ideal for salads and low heat cooking. (Extra virgin refers to the first pressing of the fruit, the most nutritious version)
Olive oil benefits us in several ways. The phenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil protect against the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, the form of cholesterol that forms plaque on the arteries. Your body gets this shield simply by ingesting the amount of olive oil normally found in a well-soaked salad.
Olives which make a great snack aren’t the only source of monounsaturated fats. Here are a few more favorites:
Avocados. Eaten fresh and ripe, this fat containing fruit is delicious, filling, and a great addition to salads. A medium Haas avocado has only 3.5 net carbs. Avocado oil holds up to heat pretty well and is good for cooking.
Macadamia nuts. Easily portable snacks, these nuts are great appetite appeasers. They also contain more monounsaturated fats than olives. Macadamia nut butter is delicious, and the oil is great for quick sautéing.
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Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to such an extent that health may be negatively affected.[1] It is commonly defined as a body mass index (BMI = weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher.[1] This distinguishes it from being overweight as defined by a BMI of between 25–29.9 kg/m2.[1]
Excessive body weight is associated with various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.[2][3] As a result, obesity has been found to reduce life expectancy.[3] The primary treatment for obesity is dieting and physical exercise. If this fails, anti-obesity drugs and (in severe cases) bariatric surgery can be tried.[2][4]
Obesity arises from too much energy intake compared with a person's basal metabolic rate and level of physical exercise. Excessive caloric intake and a lack of physical activity in genetically susceptible individuals is thought to explain most cases of obesity, with purely genetic, medical, or psychiatric illness contributing to only a limited number of cases. With rates of adult and childhood obesity increasing, authorities view it as a serious public health problem.[4]
Although obesity is often stigmatized in the modern Western world, it has been perceived as a symbol of wealth and fertility at other times in history.
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To lose weight, it is important to balance calories in and out. With less calorie intake, you eat fewer nutrients and this may lead to a problem: you do not get the nutrients your body needs. The solution is to prefer nutrient-dense food to food and beverages packed with empty calories like sodas. For an equal number of calories, you can get more vitamins and microelements essential to your health. Pay attention to the nutrient density of the food you buy.
Nutrient density is the amount of nutrients per unit of energy (calorie) you get from the given food. Eating nutrient-dense food is one of the healthiest ways of dieting: you get a lot of vitamins, minerals, fiber and save calories.
Nutrient-dense food includes
- Fruits
- Whole grains
- Legumes
- Vegetables
- Lean meat
- Eggs
- Poultry
- Low-fat dairy
- Seafood.
Whole, unprocessed foods are usually nutrient dense.
Two products can have approximately the same number of calories, but the amount of nutrients and vitamins in them may differ greatly. If you compare a portion of baked potato to a portion of plain potato chips with equal calorie content (100 calories), you will find that baked potato contains twice the amount of dietary fiber: baked potato contains 1.61 g of fiber, while chips contain 0.75 g of fiber. In addition, baked potato has four times more vitamin C than chips (13.7 mg of vitamin C in baked potato and 3.4 mg in potato chips). Baked potato is more nutrient dense than plain potato chips.
Nutrient-dense food is the opposite of empty-calorie food. Sweets and soft drinks are very high in calories because of added sugars, while their nutrient density is very low. Such energy-dense food is not beneficial to your health.
To get all the nutrients your body needs and save calories, substitute nutrient-dense food for empty-calorie food. Fruit and vegetables are perfect nutrient-dense snacks as they are low in calories and packed with dietary fiber and vitamins. Eat apples between meals and a cup of strawberry instead of chips or popcorn in front of TV.
Nutrient-dense food contains more nutrients and generally fewer calories than energy-dense food. “They’re the foods that are loaded with the nutrients we need to thrive,” says Eileen Kennedy, dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, “Think about choosing a potato instead of potato chips, or a banana instead of a soda. Opt for a plate with lots of vegetables, and skip the dinner roll. Ignore the cake and go for the fruit.”
Make a wise choice. Do not use calorie content as the main criterion when buying food. Eat food high in nutrients. Nutrient-dense food includes, for the most part, dietary products: fish, fruit, vegetables, seafood. “If people choose foods based on nutrient density,” Kennedy says, “they will, essentially, be choosing foods based on quality.” You can make a perfect diet plan with nutrient-dense food. A diet based on the concept of nutrient density will help you lose weight and get all the nutrients your body needs for health.
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Dotties Weight Watcher site, named Dotties Weight Loss Zone is one of the most popular weight loss resources available on the Internet. What started as a place for one woman (Dottie) to seek help and document her quest to lose weight has since turned into a haven for those looking for weight loss methods/information and to communicate with others in a similar position. This article will detail what the Dotties Weight Watcher web page offers people who are trying to lose weight, as well as how successful the Weight Loss Zone can be.
Firstly some background, as mentioned above the weight watcher site was started by Dottie while she was trying to lose weight. Once she reached her weight goals the site was redesigned as a source to help those trying to lose weight. Still solely maintained by Dottie, the Dottie Weight Watcher Zone has turned into one of the most frequented weight loss pages in the web.
The site includes such tools as a popular forum (message board), where dieters exchange everything to do with weight loss including program reviews, tips/tricks/information that they have come across, support and other life discussions. To supplement this there is also a chat feature in which people can chat amongst themselves. In addition to the community the site also offers valuable information on popular restaurants and the ingredients in their meals (i.e. calories, fat, carbs etc)., as well as offering some of Dotties very own Weight Watching style cookbooks, the Dotties Weight Watcher newsletter with all the latest news as well as direct contact methods with Dottie.
So now we know what Dotties Weight Loss Zone provides, we need to assess exactly how useful it is. To start it is obvious that considering the large number of views Dotties Weight Watcher page receives it has been useful for many dieters. In more detail however there are several beneficial aspects of the site. The message board community and chat feature makes for a great substitute for other commercial weight loss programs meetings (for example Weight Watchers), or if you are a member of a weight loss program using these facilities between your group meetings should help dieters to maintain a strong outlook/will power and confidence.
Now as far as the information provided by Dotties Weight Loss Zone, it has been found to be extremely accurate, and can be quite useful. The restaurant ingredient facts are a great resource for anyone watching their food consumption, but particularly those on a weight loss program that is based around calories intake or other food point values (I.e. Weight Watcher's Flex Point System). The cook books created by Dottie that are for sale include a variety of healthy recipes, that are both nutritious and tasty, however just as good recipes can probably be found in several other tailored cook books or even for free on the Internet. In addition to these services there is also a weight-loss newsletter that you can sign up for, which is run by Dottie (Dottie's Weight Watcher Newsletter). This sends informative articles/recommendations and other assorted aspects of weight loss to your email on periodic occasions.
Article Source: Tobius Whitman
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It is estimated that Americans spend over $56 billion a year on losing weight. Because of the rampant occurrence of obesity among Americans, people are finding every way and using their every means to lose weight. Sometimes, Americans resort to using incorrect means of losing weight causing hazards to their health.
One of the popular weight loss centers in America is the Dotties weight loss center.
All about Dotti
Dotties weight loss center was established in September 1998 by a woman named Dottie.
Dottie wrote a book about herself, narrating her experiences with losing weight. With over 100 lbs overweight, Dottie narrated of how she felt like a couch potato, eating and sleeping the days away.
In November 1997, Dottie weighed 243 lbs.
Motivate, motivate, motivate
According to Dotti, the purpose of her book, Dottie's Weight Loss Zone, was to provide encouragement and motivation to overweight women.
One the things she mentioned in the book is the importance of encouragement. Praising someone even for losing just one pound can make all the difference for him or her. She also includes a simple weight loss program that starts with making a lifestyle change.
According to her adage
Dotties' adage is "one day at a time, no guilt and move on." Her website contains testimonials from people who have followed her regime. She is selling cookbooks and even hypnosis CDs to help you lose weight.
Is it to be trusted?
Despite of claims by people in her website, proper care should still be taken when trusting Dotties weight loss center. Dotties weight loss center is just one of the weight loss centers available today offering quick and easy ways to lose weight. But remember, there are no shortcuts to losing weight.
The best way to start your diet, before trusting Dotties weight loss center, is to consult a medical professional. Once you have fully understood your body weight and your options, it is then time to take the next step.
Consulting with a doctor or even nutritionist will help guide you to the ideal path of losing weight – healthy, that is.
Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see
Article Source: Phillip England
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Dottie's weight loss zone has no doubt impacted hundreds of lives in a positive way. From her easy to prepare foods to the countless testimonials, there is no doubt it is a great program. However, what if you are looking to drop a large amount of weight fast? I am not talking about starving yourself here, but eating healthy and exercising to lose 4-5 pounds per week. Can this method still work?
By looking at Dottie's weight loss zone and talking to some people who have tried it, I believe there are better alternatives for quick weight loss. I am not trying to knock the program at all, and I think once you lose some initial weight it would be great to start following this program.
I want to show you some ways that you can lose weight fast, and keep it off. These are to be used initially, and then maybe you can follow up with Dottie's weight loss zone.
1. Make sure that you are not eating late at night. Back in high school I used to be a big boy. I lost over 40 pounds, and one of the main reasons I succeeded was because I never ate after 7 p.m. I know that may sound hard for many of you, but just make dinner the last thing you eat. If you must eat something else try fruit instead of fatty snacks.
2. Do some cardio. You need to be either running, walking, or biking. I prefer the exercise bike, because I can sit down and still workout. However, some people jog because they feel they get more out of it. Either way, make sure that you are doing 4 cardio sessions lasting 30 minutes each week.
3. You need to lift weights. Many people dismiss weight lifting thinking it is just for bodybuilders. This is not true! Weight lifting is the quickest method to increase your metabolism, which will help you lose more weight and keep it off. So whatever your weight loss goals are, you need to be on some sort of weight training program.
Dottie's weight loss zone is great, but I think using these methods will speed up your results. There are other methods that can help, however some of them cost lots of money and gym memberships. However, looking through countless pages of information I have found a few products that seem to address all the weight loss problems and provide solid solutions.
Look at the top ways for losing weight fast and keeping it off. These Weight loss guides provide you with everything you need to lose weight faster, and look better than you ever imagined!
Article Source: Matthew Lord
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